“Back to the Future” is a series of podcast episodes, articles and comics (the latter created by me) on ecologic economy, published in italian and english from the 28th May 2022 on Il Bo Live, the online magazine of Padua University. The interdisciplinary project is […]
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Oh cavolo! E chi dorme più ora?
Stinky diapers, rhagades, sleep deprivation. Everything people told me about having babies, that I didn’t really believe until I had one. This project started (and goes on) as daily comics on my Instragram @mentaconiglio, completely recoloured, partly redrawn and with some pages made expecially for the […]

Ognissanti – Supereroi di ieri
Collection of short comic hagiographies written and drawn by me and Elisa Vignati. Edit and layout by Paolo Ferrante. Published in september 2019 by Cargo – Viaggi Grafici.

“Vita da CEO”, “Vita da CIO”
Series of portraits of CEOs and CIOs done for “ZeroUno”, the italian reference magazine for analysis and updating on the scenarios and application areas of ICT technologies to support business and enterprise organization.

1938 Addis Abeba
Comic about the italian occupation of Ethiopia, seen by the children of an italian family living in Ethiopia in 1938. First publication on Christmas 2018.

Portraits made with different tecniques (watercolour, ink…) for privates to use them as presents, to print on wedding favours and so on.

Manuale dei Dinosauri Complottisti
Acrylic illustration made for “Manuale dei Dinosauri Complottisti”, published by the cartoonist collective Cargo in 2018. I created the lay out of the book and, together with Elisa Vignati, I was the project coordinator.

Harry Potter week
I participated in Taryn Knight’s (@taryndraws) #potterweekprompts 2018 which consisted of making seven Harry Potter-themed drawings for a week. I used fudepen, watercolours and markers.

Illustration of a series made for Piccolo Teatro to commemorate Giorgio Strehler.

Dinosaur Wedding
Drawings made for my wedding invites, wedding site and menu. Nib on paper, digital colour.

Pages of the travel journal I drew in Portugal, that, with a new layout and some modifies were published by Cargo in 2017. Markers, pencils, watercolours on paper.

“Kitsune”, a japanese Ukiyo-e and folklore inspired work, realized with nib and ink for a private.

Calendimangio 2017
Watercolour, ink and digital colour for the calendar-recipe book made with the comic artists collective Cargo in collaboration with the chef Lucio Iraci. I also coordinated all the 2017 calendar works together with Elisa Vignati.

Viaggio nel Mondo
Illustrations for www.viaggionelmondo.net, an online magazine dedicated to tourism (full articles: http://www.viaggionelmondo.net/29466-dormire-albergo-tradizione-giapponese/, http://www.viaggionelmondo.net/33229-mimi-lisbona/).

Some pages from my part of “Malmessi”, a collective comic drawn with the artists who are part of the Cargo group and published in 2017. Nib on paper.

In collaboration with Valentina Marasco I write and draw comics for “Aspirina”, a magazine published by Libreria delle donne di Milano. http://www.aspirinalarivista.it/category/estate2016#sangue-in-giappone http://www.aspirinalarivista.it/category/primavera-estate2017#abito

I partecipated to the campaign #lamiaVW, realized by Connexia for Volkswagen. Together with Giacomo Bevilacqua and Lucia Biagi I appeared in some short videos, published on facebook, in which we create an illustration following a story (link: https://www.facebook.com/VolkswagenIT/videos/1123230171032606/?fallback=1, https://www.facebook.com/VolkswagenIT/videos/1123229277699362/?fallback=1). I also partecipated to the following live […]

Le origini
“Le origini”, ink and watercolour printed on recycled paper. Small volume realized for a series of coffee themed comics published for the Sforzesco Castle Art School of Milan in June 2016. I also made the layout and oversaw the printing of the volume.

Between Manual and Digital: the State of Art
Art design of the posters and leaflets for the 2016 festival of the Sforzesco Castle Art School of Milan. Its theme was “Between Manual and Digital: the State of Art”.

Dark Side/Light Side
Star Wars themed illustration made for the “Dark Side/Light Side” exibition hosted at Wow Spazio Fumetto, the comic museum of Milan.

“Cyberntola” is a futuristic rewriting of “Cinderella” for Cargo, a cartoonists collective, started in 2015 and published in 2017. Texts by Lorenza Luzzati, drawings by Lorenza Luzzati and Paolo ferrante, colours by Valentina Marasco.

Infographic for Megabus.com
Infographic created for Megabus.com, an european bus company.

Calendimangio 2016
Watercolour for the calendar-recipe book made with the comic artists collective Cargo in collaboration with the chef Lucio Iraci